Navigating New Beginnings: 7 Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

As we are in the midst of another exciting back-to-school season, it's only natural to want our children to have a smooth transition and to start the year off on the right foot. In this blog we're diving deep into the world of new beginnings and sharing 7 tried-and-true tips to help your kids (and YOU!) navigate the back-to-school transition like a pro. So, grab a cup of coffee, get cozy, and let's make this year's start a smashing success!

Here are 7 practical things you can to to encourage a successful start to the school year…

1. Talk about back-to-school feelings, yours and theirs.

Kids, teens and parents experience a wide range of emotions during the transition back to school. It is important to take the time to talk to them about these feelings and help your kids identify and work through them. Acknowledge that it is OK to have both positive and negative emotions and that you are available to talk about anything they are experiencing.

2. Include your kids in the process.

Involve your kids in shopping trips for school supplies and clothes, using this time as another opportunity to talk through any worries or concerns they may have. Take time to look at the schedule together, including their school and extracurricular activities for the fall. This will help your child feel a greater sense of control and a greater investment in the transition.

3. Make a plan together.

Who doesn’t love a good checklist? Create a plan outlining all the tasks that need to be completed. This could include shopping for school supplies, organizing their room, or creating a study schedule. Having a plan can help to make the process feel less overwhelming and give your child a sense of accomplishment as they work through the list. 

4. Establish expectations for the school year.

Talk about the importance of staying organized, having a time designated for homework, and ways to maintain good grades. Also talk about expectations related to bedtime and screen time, so everyone is on the same page. Help them your child to set realistic goals they can take pride in achieving. 

5. Create a routine.

Create a time to walk-through the new schedule during the first week (ideally before the year starts). Make sure to include specific times for waking up, getting out the door, starting the school day, homework time, and bedtime. If possible, rehearse the routine a few times before the school year starts as a way to get acclimated to the inevitably earlier morning wake ups for the whole family.

6. Get involved at your child’s school.

Back-to-school and orientation events are a great way to get to know your child’s teachers and meet the school staff. Join the PTO, volunteer as a room parent, or find other ways to volunteer at the school. You’ll learn a lot and will be able to connect with your child a Staying involved in your kids' and teens' education is a great way to show your support. 

7. Be patient - it take time for everyone to adjust.

The back to school transition can be challenging for kids, teens, and parents. Expect there will be bumps in the road and challenges along the way. If you find yourself feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or notice your child is more irritable than usual, remind yourself that everyone is adjusting to the new schedule and the new school year. Take some deep breaths and know that things will be easier once everyone is back into the swing of things.

Transitioning back to school can be a challenging time for both students and parents; however, by utilizing these 7 tips, you can ensure a smoother and more successful start to the new school year. When you take the time to talk and plan with your child, establish routines, and collaborate with your child's school team, you will set the foundation for a positive and productive year ahead. Remember to be patient with yourself and your child as you navigate this new beginning. Most importantly, embrace the excitement and opportunities that lie ahead for you and your child.

With a little preparation and a positive mindset, you can create a smooth transition and set the stage for a fabulous school year.

If you or your child would like support navigating the transition back to school, Farmington Valley Counseling Center is here to help. We have a team of exceptional licensed therapists who have extensive experience working with children, adolescents and families, many of whom also work full-time in the schools as school social workers. We “get” kids and schools!

Call (860) 255-4017 or email to learn more about our services.

Marla Dakin, LCSW helps children, adolescents, young adults and parents who are struggling with anxiety and other mental health challenges. She is especially passionate about helping parents learn skills and strategies to help their children overcome worries and fears so they can live full, happy lives. Marla has over 20 years experience working in the schools as a school social worker and in her private practice, Farmington Valley Counseling Center, in Avon, CT, and she is mom to two young adults herself. In addition to her work in the therapy office, Marla offers a variety of online workshops and webinars for parents. Follow Marla on Instagram @marladakin and join her private Facebook group for parents “LIVING IT TOGETHER” to stay informed about upcoming events, offerings and speaking engagements.